Professional Wedding Planner


Professional Wedding Planner vs. Old School DIY

When you are looking for wedding planners in Coimbatore, make sure you choose reliable professionals. Professional wedding planners are important because a wedding is no child’s play. Do you have a very big family and many friends and relatives willing to help? They won’t have the expertise to make sure nothing goes wrong. Let’s find out how professional wedding planners will make a wedding different than DIY wedding arrangements.

Scenario 1

You have assigned two people to track each vendor. You have the florist, the electrician, the caterers, the valet, the venue manager, the tech people, the decorators, the makeup artist, and the hospitality team. There are 20 people to manage them all. They will talk among themselves. There will be at least 20 opinions. They all come to you and now you are not the bride or groom anymore, but their personal referee. With a professional team, you will only be approached to choose what you like and say what you want. You won’t be mediating issues among people. Also, there’s no conflict in family because of this.

Scenario 2

You’re calling all the shots and everybody knows it. Your cousin wants to be the wedding videographer but you saw how he missed the most important events when he was busy eating. Your friend wants to do your makeup but you can’t tell her that her signature wedding look isn’t quite your style. When you hire a professional you can always get away with “But they won’t deduct the photographer’s pay from the total payable amount”. “They already signed the contract with the makeup artist”. Of course, you will still be calling the shots, but the professionals are here to take a bullet for you. Most importantly, all your loved ones can actually enjoy the wedding instead of working during.

Scenario 3

The sound equipment is trippy. The lights are also trippy. When you do it all by yourself, how do you handle it? The tech guy and the lights people are already gone. They will take at least an hour to return and fix things. Hire a professional wedding planner, they are always ready with a backup. Professional wedding planners double-check everything right before the event. They have a reputation to protect. When you hire individual vendors, they have lesser to lose. But a wedding planner will always make sure nothing goes wrong because their name is on everything.

Scenario 4

One guest had a little too much to drink. Another guest got into a fight with yet another guest. Instead of having your family try diffusing the situation, having professional hospitality partners dive in makes things less complicated. Of course, it is a personal matter that needs personal intervention. But while everybody is around, it is best to prevent escalation of the situation with some neutral help.

Scenario 5

Your assigned well-wishers are inefficient or lazy. You have to micromanage them constantly. You end up stressed and not looking your best on your wedding day. Your parents are stressed and can’t enjoy the wedding. Avoid all these situations by hiring professional wedding planners in Coimbatore.

YusufAdmin : Zappy Events